Thursday, February 7, 2008

mini project #5

Davie Landfill

Conditions at listing (October 1981): The Davie Landfill in Davie, Broward County, Florida, has been owned and operated by the county since 1971. The facility includes a 30-acre asphalt-lined sanitary landfill, an 80-acre trash fill, and a 10-acre waste water lagoon. Above-background levels of AMMONIA, LEAD, CHROMIUM, IRON, and ARSENIC have been detected in monitoring wells near the lagoon. Leachate from the lagoon contaminates the Biscayne Aquifer, which is the sole source of water for about 10,000 residents in the area. Ground water 1,300 feet downgradient of the lagoon is contaminated to a depth of 35 feet. This site was originally listed under the name "Broward County Solid Waste Disposal Facility." Status (July 1983): The county imposed strict controls to improve operations at the landfill. The county, its consultants, the State, and the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a number of studies to document the extent of contamination. The consultants installed 23 monitoring wells in the contaminated plume of ground water and areas influenced by the plume. The system allows sampling through the depth of the aquifer and provides an early warning of plume encroachment on drinking wells. Analyses show that no pollutants are present at levels that would violate water quality standards or pose any threat to human health, and that contamination of a drinking water supply is not imminent. Sampling will continue and be closely reviewed by the county, State, and EPA.

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